Premium Package

30 Days of Optimizing and Monitoring

Initial Assessment

  • Comprehensive review of current ad performance

    A thorough analysis of your current ads to understand their performance.

  • Detailed identification of issues and long-term opportunities

    Pinpointing problems and identifying long-term growth opportunities.


  • In-depth keyword research and optimization

    Performing extensive keyword research to optimize your targeting strategy.

  • Extensive ad copy testing and refinement

    Testing multiple versions of your ad copy to find the most effective one.

  • Advanced bid strategy implementation

    Implementing sophisticated bidding strategies to maximize ROI.

  • Strategic budget reallocation

    Continually adjusting your budget to ensure it’s being used most effectively.


  • Daily performance checks

    Monitoring your ads daily to track performance and make necessary adjustments.

  • Continuous tweaks and optimizations

    Regularly refine your ads to keep them optimized.

  • Weekly performance reviews and adjustments

    Conducting weekly reviews to ensure ongoing improvement.

Advanced Strategies

  • Ongoing A/B testing of ad copies

    Continuously test different ad versions to find the best performers.

  • Competitor analysis and proactive adjustments

    Keeping an eye on your competitors and make proactive adjustments to keep you ahead.

  • Landing page optimization recommendations

    Providing suggestions for improving your landing pages to boost conversions.


  • Weekly progress reports

    Receive weekly updates on the performance and changes made.

  • Final comprehensive report with long-term recommendations

    A detailed final report will summarize all activities, results, and provide recommendations for future improvements.

30 Days of Optimizing and Monitoring

  • Duration

    Long-term engagement for comprehensive optimization.

  • Depth

    Extensive optimization with continuous monitoring, advanced strategies like ongoing A/B testing, competitor analysis, and landing page recommendations.

  • Reporting

    Weekly progress reports and a final comprehensive report with long-term recommendations.

  • Best For

    Business owners looking for a deep dive into their ad performance, long-term strategic adjustments, and sustained improvement.

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Copyright © 2024 – Level Up Social Pro