Facebook Ads Services

$ 500.00

Monthly Fee

Package Breakdown

With Ad Spending of

Under $ 2,000.00

  • Fully Optimize Business Details

    Line-by-line business details are checked and cross-referenced with the best SEO and Google search optimization tactics.

  • Logo, Photo, and Image Tagging

    All images are remastered and correctly meta-tagged and alt tagged for improved ranking.

  • Professional Keyword Description

    Google search and keyword planner research for keywords that will be the base words for your professional description.

  • Optimize Categories & Keywords

    All categories are researched in Google search engine and Google keyword planner for best performance.

  • Add / Update Service Areas

    All service area are updated and checked, and competitions are checked for maximum exposure and visibility.

  • Services or Products

    Complete creation of the services/products section using professional research tools and practices for increasing relevance & ranking.

  • Add / Update Social Media Profiles

    Google business page is linked with the businesses social media profiles to drive up ranking within google search.

  • Google Review QR Code

    A QR code is created to take customers right to the place to leave a google review. This QR can be used on Business cards or print material as well.

  • Keyword-driven FAQ’s Section

    Thorough research of common Q&A’s in your industry and placement on the Google profile to help rank the business in search results.

  • Scheme Code for Website Connection

    Creation of schema code to plug into your existing website that helps with voice-activated searches like “Hey Google, Hey Siri, Plumbers near me.”

  • Three (3) Google Profile Posts

    Three (3) professionally crafted posts that are research- and Google Keyword Planner-driven help drive traffic to services and offers you want to highlight.

With Ad Spending of

Over $ 2,000.00

  • Fully Optimized Bio

    Market & Keyword researched Bio crafted for search result ranking within Facebook

  • Page Category Update

    Page categories were researched and additional categories added if needed to improve search result relevance

  • Logo, Photo, and Image Tagging

    All images are remastered and correctly meta-tagged and alt-tagged for improved ranking.

  • Professional Keyword Description

    Market and keyword research driven descriptions are in all 3 essential sections. Logo, Banner and Bio section, which helps the algorithm identify the page.

  • Fully Optimize Business Details

    Line-by-line business details are checked and cross-referenced with the onboarding form, search engine results, and business page information.

  • Connectivity of Outside Social Media Links

    Social link connectivity. This helps increase trust score

  • Add Privacy Policy

    Essentially for Ad Campaign you may run in the future.

  • Impressum Create and Add

    Impressum is common practice for page outside the US or for people who may find your page from outside the US

  • Set and Test Call-To-Action

    Selection of most relevant call to action for your customers engagement preferences

  • Meta Business Platform Setup

    This task includes integrating Facebook and Instagram, completing and submitting the business information section for tax write-off and advertiser verification purposes.

  • Facebook and Instagram Tracking Pixel

    Create and install tracking pixel into your website or pass code on to your web developer

  • Benchmarking Setup

    For established account, this can be set up to help track how your profile is standing out amongst the competition

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